Thursday, August 7, 2008

Bella Swan = Me ??

Okay, before you go and freak out about the title, let me explain. Everyday I have more and more people come up to me and say, "You remind me of Bella Swan from Twilight, the way I imagined her." And what girl wouldn't want to get that remark from people? Honestly? Every girl who reads that book puts themselves in her shoes and feels like she's Bella. I do that with every book I read, but I never expected other people to tell me that I am her. Never. So I wanted your opinion. What do you think? I'll post a few pictures, some are a little bad I know.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

When Life Throws You Lemons...

When life throws you lemons...sit down and cry, baby, because you don't know what else to do. Well, life didn't throw me a threw a COW! And it hurt, badly. Life sucks and don't let anyone else tell you differently. Seriously.

Banquet is May 2 and I need to lose weight. Stupid dress shrunk...not really I just got fatter and now the seems are buldgin. Oops. :) Anyway, I have to go to the seamstress Friday and figure out what material to buy to fix the back on my dress because...well there isn't one and there has to be one for my school's requirements and I need to get straps too...yeah, gotta do that.

Lets see...what else is going wrong? Oh, my bff Lauren's birthday was today! She's seventeen now. She's all excited because she can legally go see rated R movies now.

I probably will have a party Friday. That will be fun and hopefully cheer me up some, cause the Lord knows I need it!

I don't know much else. Just thought it was about time to post something. :\
Until the aliens come,

Friday, March 21, 2008


I really don't understand poetry at all and we're studying it in Advanced English. I struggle with it so much, and it doesn't help that I have a teacher who has no idea what she's doing. It drives me mad! But this Sonnet by Edna St. Vincent Millay caught my attention.

This beast that rends me in the sight of all,
This love, this longing, this oblivious thing,
That has me under as the last leaves fall,
Will glut, will sicken, will be gone by spring.
The wound will heal, the fever will abate,
The knotted hurt will slacken in the breast;
I shall forget before the flickers mate
Your look that is today my east and west.
Unscathed, however, from a claw so deep
Though I should love again I shall not go;
Along my body, waking while I sleep,
Sharp to the kiss, cold to the hand as snow,
The scar of this encounter like a sword
Will lie between me and my troubled lord.

It hits home for me. Anyway, Atlanta was a blast! I had so much fun witnessing! Although I didn't do too much of the sort. I mainly watched people. I like observing things...I'm a writer; it's what I do best. However, I did meet this little kid named Robert. He's so adorable! It broke my heart knowing that there was nothing I could do more to help him and his family. I just love little kids dearly and it tore me up!

Pastor Kurt was amazing as well. We were his last group before he left to go somewhere else. I loved him. He had so much to say and I would have loved to have stayed and listened to him and to have learned from him, but our time was too short unfortunately.

The Tornado was two blocks from our motel, and I didn't even know it until the next morning. We were downstairs having devotions in the laundry room when I heard the sirens. I didn't know what it was and paid little mind to it, but then one of the security guards came up to us and told us that it was a tornado warning. So we all trudged back to our rooms and went to bed. I was just thinking : No big deal; just a warning. I'm not really scared of tornadoes because I'm used to them. I didn't know that one actually touched down until the morning when my room mates were freaking out. But you know, I have been in a tornado before and I'm still here. If the Lord says it's my time to go, I'm going. No if and's but's or why's. It's not up to me. The Lord will protect me until he says I'm ready to go and I'm content with that. I trust him.

Oh! Celebrate Life! Yes, well I did very well. My writing received a point below a perfect score. The judge said I needed more sensory details. Okay...anyway, I received a trophy for that. Amazing, my first trophy is in writing, not music...I think this is a sign. Moving on: and my picture received an "Excellent" which is second place. I was really pleased with my outcomes, and my pastor's wife, Becky, said she was really proud of me. :)

That's all I have to say for now. So until next time:
Au Revoir,

Friday, February 15, 2008

Game Day

I am bored to death. I just got back from Game night at Scott and Lori's house. It was fun. We played several games like zombie flux, some other games I wasn't involved in, and Guitar Hero II and III. It was a blast. My sister and I played on the multi-player option and let me tell's worth buying two guitars! It was so much fun!! And it gave us what we needed to get our minds away from school related activites and what our family is going through. Although there was still some tension because my dad came with us. I don't know how that will work in the future though.

Anyway, enough of this boring drawl. What else can I say? Celebrate Life (talent contest in the Nazarene church) is coming up soon, but I won't be able to attened it this year because I will be gone in Atlanta on a missions trip with my class. So instead, Becky will be submitting my writings and possibly some photographs for me. :) I love that woman!

I will not talk about school stuff because I don't want to think about that at the moment. I have so much to deal with right now that I need to slow down and just breathe! For anyone who actually takes the time to read this stupid thing, please pray for my family. We need all the prayers we can get, and the Lord will help us, but it would be nice to know that random people all over the world are praying specifically for us. :)

Well it's close to midnight and my internet will be cut off soon so I better go. I hope you have a blessed day!


Thursday, January 10, 2008


So life so far has been as it always has, it's just gone up a level in difficulty. No big...for some. I've not studied for any of my finals, which were all this week and I've got one last one tomorrow: Spanish. And I'm refusing to study for it even though I'm not going to be able to read it. Hopefully it will be mostly mulitple choice and I can just B.S. my way through it like I have on all my exams this week. I just didn't feel like studied over Christmas break so I didn't.

Anyway, enough about school. How's life treating you? Good? Well, good for you! I'm glad. :) At least I know one person is happy out this exact moment. Have you ever wondered how many emotions are portrayed per minute all over the world? I haven't either; just thought I would ask.

So I find out that a friend of mine is joining the Air Force last night. He didn't even bother to tell me personally! How great huh? Well he was going to join the army then backed down, then he wanted to be a bar tender, then he wanted to be a cop and then as of last week he was back tot he bar tender, but noooo I find out from a mutual friend that he's going into the Air Force! I'm not saying that's a bad thing. I think the army would do him some good, but I would have liked to have been informed of this from himself instead of someone else. That made me angry. And I'm also scared for him. He needs so much help. :(

Well, I really should at least look over some of this stuff. I'll post more later.