Don't you hate it when someone lies to you? But what if it was your best friend? Imagine that it is you that your best friend is lying too. How does that make you feel? Are you in utter agony? Are you extremely hurt and dumbfounded? Can you even think of why they would lie to you? I mean they've been your best friend for three years now (or longer). Well, I just found out today that my best friend has lied to me. For how long, I don't know. But I found out that she thought it was funny how I supposively "freaked" out when she mentioned someone's name. I only told her to stop because he really doesn't like me. And then she said that she knew who he did like, but she won't tell me. And I'm the kind of person who needs to know things, no matter how petty they are, or I go insane. And she said that she couldn't tell me for some unknown reason. But today she just told me that she didn't know and that she was just playing around with me. Yet, not two minutes later she said that she couldn't tell me who he liked...again. After I asked why she wouldn't tell me what she was told. Now it's just a big mess and I'm very upset. I can't concentrate on my homework anymore. I'm crying as I type this because I can't even begin to describe the pain she has caused me. I trusted her. Now I can trust no one...although I was ever reluctant to trust anyone, but she taught me how to trust. Therefore, I can't trust anyone anymore.
I'm crushed. I've told her some of my darkest secrets and now I regret that I ever did. I'm just thankful that I didn't tell her all of them. She's really broken my heart. I feel abandoned and alone.
On a more happier note, THE COLTS WON!!!!!!!! I am happy about that. So how's you're life going? Any troubles that you're going through? Anyone you want to vent about? Need some advice? I don't know. I'm desperate to talk to anyone right now. I'll give some advice to anyone who needs it (if I can). I like doing that, why, don't aske me, I just do. Well...I hope the Colts have another great season (early I know)!