I got a guitar for Christmas!! I am soo excited. I have to teach myself though and I'm having a hard time figuring out how the chord chart I got works. I've already made up (halfway) a song and I know how to play (poorly) 4 songs: Happy Birthday, Mary had a Little lamb, twinkle twinkle little star, and Here I am to worship (my
only favorite Christian song). But like I said, I'm not very good at it. BTW, I've finish
Beauty by Robin McKinley and I've started
Fairest by Gail Carson Levine. But I'm going to have to stop and re-read my driver's manual so I can pass my test which is in like 12 days. EEKKK! I don't want to drive but I need my licences because my g-ma can't chauffeur us (my sister and I) around like she used too. 1 I'm scared of her driving and 2 she has my great g-ma to take care of. And trust me, that's a handful. Taking care of my great g-ma is like trying to take care of a two year old all over again: stubborn and has to have her way or no way....sigh. Well I'm going to go so I can read while I can.