Oh, yeah. And I believe Harry's scar is a horcrux. And I still haven't finished the book. I just haven't had the time to sit and read this summer. :( Well I'm off to work...then choir camp! I'll try to update soon!
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
I just received my book in the mail today. I've read the first few chapter but I've had this thought mulling in my mind since I talk with my dad yesterday about Harry Potter and what would happen in the last book. So I wanted to write it down or tell someone...yeah...about it before I finished the book, just in case I'm actually right for once (hah!). Anyway I promise you that I haven't read the back of the book or anything. I'm actually on page 90 in the U.S. Edition if that tells you anything. I believe that Dumbledore is still alive, because, as we saw in the Order of the Phoenix, Dumbledore himself turned into a phoniex and vanished. And as we all know, phoenixes are reborn from their ashes. So if Dumbledore is a phoenix or can turn into one, who's to say that he can't still be alive?? And Dumbledore always trusted Snape and repeatedly made that clear, so if he's still alive, who's to say that Snape is bad? Basically it falls out like this: Dumbledore is still alive, and Snape is good. That is what I believe. Now whether it's true or not, I've yet to find out. I'm a slow reader and I'm going on vaction soon so hopefully I'll be done by next week...hopefully.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Hey! I would have posted yesterday, but I had a major bio test to study for and I didn't have time. So I'm a day late. :( Oh well. Yesterday was Lauren's sweet 16 birthday!!! I wish her all the happiness in the world, and to get a car so we can go places together...since I'm not getting a car...for a long time.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Sunday, March 11, 2007

Yesterday was the kids' TNT contest and they did spectacularly! The bells one a blue ribbion which is equivalent to a 1st, but they don't give out positions like that at these talent contests. And many of their art works were awesome! There were only a few who didn't place what they should have because of some stupid miscellanous rule. Next week is Celebrate Life and I'm nervous. I practiced my song like crazy since I've recieved it, and I finally got it down yesterday, but that's no guarentee I'll be able to play it perfect again at the contest, or for the offertory on Sunday morning. Becky's making me play and sing in our trio for a special. And I have 3 papers due soon, Bible reading and a survey due tomorrow, and a test Tuesday, so I need to go and take my shower so I can finish my homework. Hope you guys had a great weekend and I hope you have a great rest of the week!
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Just Shoot Me Now

Okay. So I have this Celebrate Life thing coming up in 4 weeks. And I'm in now way shape or form ready for it. I still suck at my song and I just got it two weeks ago or something like that. There's no way I'll have time to perfect it. I'm stressing out over that...not to mention the Algebra I have to make up for Thursday. Today and tomorrow are Spiritual Emphasis days. Therefore I don't have to worry about homework for each day, just Monday's assignments. And it's so overwhelming!!! I'm going to have a heart attack. I think it would just be easier on me if someone just shot me now, because I wouldn't have to worry about finishing my homework or perfecting my piano solo or anything else. I'd be in heaven celebrating. *sigh* But I doubt that's going to happen so I really need to do some of my Algebra homework.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007

This is the best week ever!! It's like it's Christmas break all over again. We've had 2 days of no school because of the snow and tomorrow we won't have school either! This is great! The only bad thing is that we will have to make up two days.
:( But at least we get a break right now. Hopefully I'll be able to write a ton today. *crosses fingers*
Well go to go write,
Monday, February 5, 2007

Don't you hate it when someone lies to you? But what if it was your best friend? Imagine that it is you that your best friend is lying too. How does that make you feel? Are you in utter agony? Are you extremely hurt and dumbfounded? Can you even think of why they would lie to you? I mean they've been your best friend for three years now (or longer). Well, I just found out today that my best friend has lied to me. For how long, I don't know. But I found out that she thought it was funny how I supposively "freaked" out when she mentioned someone's name. I only told her to stop because he really doesn't like me. And then she said that she knew who he did like, but she won't tell me. And I'm the kind of person who needs to know things, no matter how petty they are, or I go insane. And she said that she couldn't tell me for some unknown reason. But today she just told me that she didn't know and that she was just playing around with me. Yet, not two minutes later she said that she couldn't tell me who he liked...again. After I asked why she wouldn't tell me what she was told. Now it's just a big mess and I'm very upset. I can't concentrate on my homework anymore. I'm crying as I type this because I can't even begin to describe the pain she has caused me. I trusted her. Now I can trust no one...although I was ever reluctant to trust anyone, but she taught me how to trust. Therefore, I can't trust anyone anymore.
I'm crushed. I've told her some of my darkest secrets and now I regret that I ever did. I'm just thankful that I didn't tell her all of them. She's really broken my heart. I feel abandoned and alone.
On a more happier note, THE COLTS WON!!!!!!!! I am happy about that. So how's you're life going? Any troubles that you're going through? Anyone you want to vent about? Need some advice? I don't know. I'm desperate to talk to anyone right now. I'll give some advice to anyone who needs it (if I can). I like doing that, why, don't aske me, I just do. Well...I hope the Colts have another great season (early I know)!
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Saturday, January 20, 2007

Well...I passed. Again with flying colors. I now have my license. Yeah...I suppose. I sounded very enthusiastic I know. Just thought I'd update you before I went to the funerl for my cousin Daniel. His daughter Cassie (not very old 5ish) kept picking up the cell phone waiting on her daddy to call her from heaven. It's very sad. And Daniel's sister, Stacy, has Austism and they took her up to see Daniel when I was there. She kept backing away. I don't know if she just didn't understand or if she just doesn't want to accept it. It's very difficult to tell. It has just been an aweful week.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Okay, so I find out that my second cousin died Monday and now I find out that an elderly person (whom I was very close to) at my church died. Who else wants to die? Geez. That didn't come out right but you know what I mean. I'm having a crappy week. Now off to homework...and piano.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
I passed with flying colors!!! Yay! Now all that's left is to pass the written test next week. So I need to get busy re-reading my driver's manual. Anyway, the big Colts vs. Ravens game is today and my dad is having a big party at our house. I really don't want to have the party yet I do. I don't want it because then I could read over my manual and have time to watch the game in peace, yet I do want the party because I get to see my little cousins and my family and have a great time, but absolutely no time to myself. I'm not a very social person and I try to avoid that kind of stuff if at all possible. But when it's at our house, I have to show my face. Well I'm going to go study while I can.
Friday, January 12, 2007
I'm soo nervous. I little less than an hour I'll be taking my drive test. AAAHHH!!!!!! I don't want to but I have to, and I have to pass or I pay. Which sucks because I have to save for my England trip. But I'm literally shaking I'm so nervous. I just hope I get Joe. I know him. He's the father of my dad's best friend when they were kids. I've got to go now and worry to the point of dying. I don't think I've been this nervous since my first king's kids performance (kid's choir for 3-5 graders). And that's saying something because I perform all the time now. And I still get nervous. Now I'm just babbling. Great. Bye.
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
Change of Plans
Change of plans...my drive test is Friday. Which is homecoming and I'm supposed to be there for 3 different things but I can't go because of my test. Great...I feel terrible. I feel like I just let tons of people down. g2g do homework....joy.
Saturday, January 6, 2007
I got a guitar for Christmas!! I am soo excited. I have to teach myself though and I'm having a hard time figuring out how the chord chart I got works. I've already made up (halfway) a song and I know how to play (poorly) 4 songs: Happy Birthday, Mary had a Little lamb, twinkle twinkle little star, and Here I am to worship (my only favorite Christian song). But like I said, I'm not very good at it. BTW, I've finish Beauty by Robin McKinley and I've started Fairest by Gail Carson Levine. But I'm going to have to stop and re-read my driver's manual so I can pass my test which is in like 12 days. EEKKK! I don't want to drive but I need my licences because my g-ma can't chauffeur us (my sister and I) around like she used too. 1 I'm scared of her driving and 2 she has my great g-ma to take care of. And trust me, that's a handful. Taking care of my great g-ma is like trying to take care of a two year old all over again: stubborn and has to have her way or no way....sigh. Well I'm going to go so I can read while I can.
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